We may not have the flying cars we imagined we would be driving but homes loaded with automation options make the future we once saw in science fiction movies look a lot more like reality. By the end of the years, it is expected that 12 million home automation systems will be installed across the United States. This should be seen as a good thing for homeowners as experts think using these systems can lower their energy bills by about 15%. So, a person paying $110 on their utility bills will save about $16.50 each month or about $198 every year. Already, homeowners who have some home automation, such as home security systems, get discounts of up to 20% on their homeowners insurance.
Go over what you want and need in your home automation system.
When you are going to design a house with a home automation system, your first step is to decide what systems you need and want. There are a lot of options and some of this will depend on your budget. Are you interested in home security systems that can be controlled with your phone or tablet? How about your climate control systems such as the heating and air conditioning? A great addition to home security systems is control over the lighting in your home. You can even integrate your home entertainment systems with the lighting and home security systems. If you are unsure what your options are talk to the contractor about what can and cannot be done.
Get advice from experts.
Many of us feel we know what’s what when it comes to new and emerging technology. We read a lot about what is coming out and how we should use it. We are not experts though. When you are talking about large scale projects like turning a house into a smart home, it is really good to go to a professional in this area and listen to what they have to say.
Get the best WiFi Router available.
When you look at home automation systems, the WiFi router can truly be called the heart of your home. If you have problems with that, the whole automation system stops in its tracks. This is device that allows communication between all of your personal devices and the appliances and systems in your home. Talk to your contractor about a back up plan.
Do not try to wire everything yourself.
This is not the time to make your home the ultimate DIY project. In the first place, unless you are an expert electrician, it can be dangerous. In the second place, all of the wiring for your internet connection will be a lot more important to how your home operates when you have integrated home automation systems such as the home security systems, than when you were only using it to stream video and do research online. This is the time to get great people who have a lot of experience doing this kind of thing and hire then to do all the wiring in your home.
Another benefit to hiring experts to do the wiring is that if you have problems with any part of your home automation systems, from home entertainment to home security systemsThe problem may not even be due to the wiring but the equipment can fail. If you have warrantees and guarantees from the company that handled this work for you, fixing anything that goes wrong will be easier when you have professionals you can call. This can save you money in the long run.
Stay with one or two brands for all the devices in your home.
Have you noticed how well Apple products talk to each other? An iPhone can talk to the Apple TV, iPad, Macbook, etc. Samsung products like to talk to other Samsung products. You do not need to get everything in your home from the same company but limiting the number of brands you use for your home automation systems.
New home automation systems have come a long way in recent years. Have fun with your new options and your home will be amazing, safe and chock full of fun features you only dreamed of.