Activities for Toddlers You Should Try

Art activities for toddlers are extremely important for their development. The Youtube video “Introducing Art During Back to School with Toddlers and Preschoolers” has the best advice when it comes to setting up an art table and what you can teach kids that age about their creativity. Let’s find out more!

There’s a special technique many teachers follow to set up an art table, and the reason they do it is that two and three-year-olds can get distracted, so this is the best way for them to come and go as they please. Firstly, you have to cover the entire table with paper.

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That way, toddlers can draw wherever they want without creating a mess on the actual plastic furniture. Buying a paper roll is the best way to do that, as it’s cheaper and more convenient.

Cover the entire table and put tape on the sides, so it doesn’t move. Another great tip to follow is to remove the chairs completely. The younger children are, the more they want to move around and walk places while they draw. Chairs just get in the way of that.

You can watch the rest of the video for more details about activities for toddlers.


I’m Allison Febrey, editor of Art Magazine Online. After a few years too long in the cut-throat, competitive world of the New York City publishing industry, I decided to follow my passion and create an online magazine for modern artists around the world. This is a community site, if you’re an artist or just an art admirer, feel free to join the discussion!

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