Coin collecting is an art form to some. Coins can come in many different shapes, sizes, and patterns. Some of the depictions are truly breathtaking. However, other valuable coins look like common coins. In fact, they are common coins at first glance.
In this video, you will learn more about these not so common coins.
Believe it or not, quarters, pennies, nickels, and dimes can all be worth significantly more than face value. They don’t look any different from far away. However, if you take a closer look, you will notice something strange. They each have some sort of imperfection on the coin. As weird as it may seem, it is these imperfections that collectors seek after. They can drive the value up significantly. However, don’t go selling them to your local pawn shop unless you have collectible coins. These collectors tend to purchase coins online. Every year, there are many batches of coins with imperfections or misprints. If you keep a close eye on them, you could end up with a valuable coin yourself. You may even have one right now.