The process of silk screening is one of the most traditional ways to print a t shirt. A fine mesh fabric is stretched across a wooden frame that is approximately the size of the front of a t shirt. The design to be printed is blocked out in negative, then a special ink is applied and forced through the screen with a squeegee. Silk screens shirts require that each color be on a different screen. Silk screen prints are usually printed working with light colors first and finishing with black outlines.
Artists looking to make promotional silk screen shirts have many options in Nyc printing outfits. Some may require a high minimum number of items, others can provide services for very limited print runs. A professional who does silk screen shirts can help artists develop color separations for their art to be printed. Some silk screeners may also offer design consultation services. Printers who make silk screen shirts may also offer other marketing and promotional services, like cd makers and seo nyc. When working with a shirt screener, insure you are not signing away any copyrights to your images. Do not sign anything that gives them permission to reprint your art, unless you are entering into a licensing agreement.